The Apheleia pre-screener study seeks research-interested volunteers who are experiencing trouble with their memory.
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Join the Apheleia study and see how you may be eligible to participate in other Alzheimer’s disease clinical trials.
Why are Pre-screener Tests Needed?
Alzheimer’s clinical trials can be complex and time consuming for participants who spend weeks screening for trials, only to learn they don’t meet criteria to participate.
Pre-screeners seek to identify research-ready participants who have a high likelihood to enroll in appropriate clinical trials, saving valuable time and effort.
To make these decisions, Apheleia will use demographic information such as sex, age, medical history, memory assessments, as well as laboratory results from a blood draw.
Who can Participate?
The Apheleia study is seeking approximately 3,000 volunteers of all races, ethnicities, and background who:
– Are 50 to 90 years old
– Are experiencing trouble with their memory
– Have someone who can participate with them as a study partner

We need your help. The research sites below are part of the Apheleia study.
Click for more information about how to volunteer and make a difference in Alzheimer’s research.