Do You Want To Make A Difference In Alzheimer’s Research?
The Bio-Hermes-002 research study seeks volunteers with or without memory concerns to help identify blood or digital tests that could help predict the presence of amyloid plaques or tau tangles in the brain, which are the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease.
Why are the tests Needed?
- Brain scans detecting amyloid and tau levels can be expensive and inaccessible for many people.
- Using blood and digital biomarkers for detection is simpler, cost effective, and accessible for all.
Who can participate?
This study is seeking volunteers of all races, ethnicities, and backgrounds who are:
- 60 to 90 years old
- With or without memory loss
- Willing to undergo an MRI brain scan, amyloid PET scan, and tau PET scan
- Willing to provide blood samples and participate in cognitive tests
- Have a study partner who can attend visits with you either in person or virtually
- Interested in helping prevent Alzheimer’s
What does the study involve?
Bio-Hermes-002 is an observational study, where lab tests and scans you complete are being observed.
- There is no study medication.
- The study will require four (4) visits to the research center and three (3) visits to a local imaging facility.
- There may also be follow-up phone calls.
- Participation lasts up to 150 days but can end sooner depending on how quickly you go through the study process.
Test and Assessments
- You will have an MRI, an amyloid PET, and tau PET brain scan at no cost to you.
- Cognitive tests will be administered to assess your memory and mood and will be compared to brain PET scans.
- Blood samples will be collected and analyzed for known “markers” of AD.
- Blood samples will contain your genes, which will be compared to the PET scans to help researchers understand genetic links to the amyloid and tau in the brain.
- Some of the blood samples will be saved for future analysis.
Did you know?
About 1 in 9 people (10.9%) age 65 and older has Alzheimer’s dementia and that number is growing.
(Alzheimer’s Association Facts and Figures, 2024)
There is evidence that missed or delayed diagnoses of Alzheimer’s and other dementias are more common among Black and Hispanic older adults than among White older adults.
(National Institute on Aging, 2021)
What are the benefits of participating in the Bio-Hermes-002 study?
- The study doctor will receive the results of your brain MRI and PET scans and discuss the results with you.
- Results may be helpful to understand your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, your ability to participate in other research studies, or your suitability for future medications that can help treat Alzheimer’s disease.
- PET scans that used an approved tracer in your region will be disclosed to you. With your authorization, results can be shared with your doctor.
- You will not be responsible for any costs associated with the MRI, amyloid or tau PET scans, or other study procedures.

The Global Alzheimer’s Platform Foundation® (GAP) is committed to keeping the study open until at least 25% of the volunteers are African American, Black, Hispanic, and/or Latino.
We need your help. The research sites below are participating in the Bio-Hermes-002 study. Click for more information about how to volunteer and make a difference in Alzheimer’s research.
Site Name | Location | Website | Phone Number |
Axiom Brain Health | Tampa, Florida | https://axiombrainhealth.com/ | (813) 353-9613 |
Brain Matters Research | Delray Beach, Florida | https://brainmattersresearch.com/ | (561) 374-8461 |
Charter Research – Orlando | Orlando, Florida | https://www.charterresearch.com/ | (407) 337-3000 |
Conquest Research | Winter Park, Florida | https://conquestresearch.com/ | (407) 916-0060 |
Flourish Research – Chicago | Chicago, Illinois | https://flourishresearch.com/locations/chicago-andersonville/ | (312) 931-8883 |
JEM Research Institute | Atlantis, Florida | https://jemri.net/ | (561) 968-2933 |
K2 Medical Research – Orlando | Orlando, Florida | https://k2med.com/k2orlando/ | (407) 500-5252 |
K2 Medical Research – Winter Garden | Winter Park, Florida | https://k2med.com/k2thevillages/ | (352) 500-5252 |
Neuro-Behavioral Clinical Research | Canton, Ohio | https://www.nbclinicalresearch.com/ | (330) 493-1118 |
Neuropsychiatric Research Center of SW Florida | Fort Meyers, Florida | https://nprc-swfl.com/ | (239) 939-7777 |
Progressive Medical Research | Port Orange, Florida | https://www.progressivemedicalresearch.com/ | (386) 304-7070 |
Quest Research Institute | Farmington Hills, Michigan | https://questri.com/ | (248) 957-8940 |
Visionary Investigators Network – Aventura | Miami, Florida | https://vintrials.com/ | (833) 732-2484 |
Visionary Investigators Network – Coral Gables | Miami, Florida | https://vintrials.com/ | (833) 732-2484 |