Mia is a participant in a unique study for people with down syndrome, since adults living with down syndrome are at high risk for Alzheimer’s disease and are an important population to consider as therapies are developed in Alzheimer’s research. Without participants like Mia, understanding this population and developing therapies with their unique genetic characteristics in mind, would not be possible. Mia and her mother have an unprecedented commitment to research, traveling from Atlanta, Georgia to Nashville to volunteer. Mia has been a fearless and courageous volunteer as well, handling everything in stride, and completing all activities with a smile on her face.
Mia’s mom said, “Knowing we are contributing to the knowledge base that hopefully results in good treatment solutions for people with Down syndrome. I asked Mia about what is most rewarding and she said, “Staying in the hotel and eating out, riding the bus on campus, going around in a wheelchair and answering the questions. And time with Mom.”