GAP Participant Services (GPS)


Study visits


GAP-Enabled Trials


Liaisons working alongside GAP-Net sites

What is the GPS Program?

In the early days of GAP’s development, our team recognized that amplified recruitment efforts for study volunteers could greatly benefit research site staff to allow them more time to focus on study implementation and other study-related activities. GAP recognized that providing strategic recruitment outreach support could accelerate a clinical trial and alleviate a time-consuming responsibility for research site staff.

Reports show that 80-90% of Alzheimer’s clinical trials are delayed from lack of participants. GAP saw this as an opportunity to support the sites and expedite research, by creating a program built on collaboration with the goal of increasing participation in clinical trials.

In 2017, the GAP Participant Services (GPS) Program was developed to support GAP-Net sites with GAP-enabled and GAP-sponsored trials to provide aid in recruitment and retention, media efforts, and study specific tools. With a team deployed across North America, we work in tandem with GAP-Net sites and study sponsors to increase awareness of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s clinical trials.

It is the only program of its kind in the neurodegenerative field and is fundamental to achieving superior performance across GAP-Net sites. Monthly, our team of highly trained and experienced liaisons works with GAP-Net sites and, overall, has significantly increased study start up times and screening and enrollment rates in AD and PD trials.

GPS Liaisons

GPS liaisons are individuals with extensive knowledge and experience in many areas of clinical trials and research. They have deep site-specific and protocol knowledge and provide a single point of contact with GAP-Net sites from the beginning to the end of the trial. They assist in creating, deploying, and implementing strategies, tools, study-related materials, while addressing trial-related obstacles. With our team’s ongoing site interactions and engagement, sharing of lessons learned and best practices can also benefit the progress of our GAP-enabled clinical trials.

Our liaisons are on-the-ground with GAP-Net sites to provide unique, as-needed support to sites participating in GAP-enabled trials with volunteer recruitment, study management, outreach and more. Strategies to support may also include various forms of advertising, community partnerships, health care provider (HCP) engagement, memory screening events, and earned media. They are actively involved in the community and work hand-in-hand with the Community Connectors on our Inclusive Research Initiative (IRI) team.

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“There is so much progress happening in research, especially since COVID-19. We are picking up some serious momentum and being part of this is so fulfilling to me. What is even more fulfilling is I work alongside people who feel the same, who have the same energy and motivation, because we know we are doing this for all generations of our own personal families. GAP is in a really unique position to be helping both sides of the industry - research sites and pharmaceutical sponsors alike.”

- Jill Smith, MA, CCRC, ACRP-PM Senior Director, GAP Participant Services Program, Global Alzheimer's Platform Foundation

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“When I have a GAP-enabled trial, I know that my GPS liaison is going to come with me when I have an outreach event, I know they are going to say ‘What do you need, what are you plans, do you need help’... they are working behind the scenes WITH me, not just for me.”

- Belinda Russell Assistant Site Director, JEM Research Institiute

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“GAP has been very hands-on but not in an intrusive way, but a helpful way.”

- Dr. Mark A. Goldstein Certified Principal Investigator, JEM Research Institute

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“GAP creates a relaxed and collaborative atmosphere, and goes out of their way to connect people interested in similar topics.”
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“We feel so lucky to be a part of GAP! They have been a great resource to help with recruitment and getting new studies. We love how they have so many resources for us at a site level to educate participants and create prescreening material and get guidance on community outreach."

-Joshua Mabry Site Director, Merritt Island Medical Research

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“There is so much progress happening in research, especially since COVID-19. We are picking up some serious momentum and being part of this is so fulfilling to me. What is even more fulfilling is I work alongside people who feel the same, who have the same energy and motivation, because we know we are doing this for all generations of our own personal families. GAP is in a really unique position to be helping both sides of the industry - research sites and pharmaceutical sponsors alike.”

- Jill Smith, MA, CCRC, ACRP-PM Senior Director, GAP Participant Services Program, Global Alzheimer's Platform Foundation

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