10 Tampa Bay: Tampa researcher wants to study your brain, detect early signs of Alzheimer’s

The free clinical trial at Axiom Brain Health in Tampa works to detect early signs of Alzheimer’s and other cognitive diseases, even years before symptoms appear.

Tampa researcher wants to study your brain, detect early signs of Alzheimer's

Author: Hannah Dineen

Published: 4:04 PM EST March 6, 2025

Updated: 8:52 PM EST March 6, 2025

TAMPA, Fla. — It’s estimated nearly 7 million people in the U.S. are living with Alzheimer’s disease. And as we age, the risk of Alzheimer’s disease increases.

According to the National Institute on Aging, about one in 13 people between the ages of 65 to 84, and one in three aged 85 and older, are affected.

Now, a Tampa researcher is exploring the possibility of detecting Alzheimer’s and other cognitive diseases years before symptoms appear. 

Dr. Susan Steen is conducting a free clinical trial at Axiom Brain Health called Bio-Hermes-002. 

“It’s a trial to help us understand the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and how to make that happen more effectively and economically,” Dr. Steen explained. “The earlier people are diagnosed, the better they do.” 

Steen’s trial uses a range of tests that look for abnormal proteins in the brain, like amyloid and TAU. 

“People volunteer to do biomarkers, which includes brain scans, blood tests, digital tests and a retinal scan,” Dr. Steen said. 

The tests can paint a picture of a patient’s Alzheimer’s risk, even two decades in advance. 

“Early, early, early,” Steen said. “Even people without symptoms or very mild symptoms.” 

Existing tests could set you back thousands of dollars. Dr. Steen’s goal is to increase accessibility. She’s looking at tests that could one day be administered at a primary care physician’s office or by an optometrist. 

“We need a better way!” she exclaimed. 

For patient Diane Cox, who has dementia in her family, it’s about being proactive. 

“I think it’s necessary because I just turned 75, and I want to stay in top health,” Cox said. 

Dr. Steen is conducting both her free clinical trial as well as free memory screenings right now in Tampa. You must be between 60 and 90 years old to participate. 

If you’re interested in learning more about the clinical trial or memory screenings, click here


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