When Anne Gruettner’s father passed away as a result of Alzheimer’s, it didn’t take long for Anne to realize what might be in store for her. While her fears were confirmed, her Alzheimer’s diagnosis from Dr. Brian Appleby came with an invitation to join the Study of Nasal Insulin to Fight Forgetfulness (SNIFF). “I jumped at the fact that I could stay alive longer,” Anne said.?“The team at UH became like a family to me. I thought, maybe I would be able to help people in the future.” Anne was faithfully accompanied to her trial visits by her wife Jan, who served as her study partner for the duration of the trial. Anne went into the trial with no expectations and counts it among the most fulfilling experiences of my life, in large part because of the trial team’s kindness and support. “I couldn’t get over how helpful, sympathetic, and encouraging they were,” she said. Her experience has motivated her to apply for a second trial and extoll the benefits of participation to her friends.
Anne Gruettner